Tag ~head tax

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Amazon quietly works to reshape politics in its hometown after going to battle with Seattle officials

Year in pictures: Amazons amazing growth SpaceX blasts off the passing of Paul Allen and more

Seattle passes smaller head tax on Amazon and other big companies after impassioned debate

More than 100 tech leaders warn Seattles tax plan sends dangerous message: If you create too many jobs you will be punished

Why San Franciscos big business tax for homeless relief succeeded after Seattles crumbled

Amazon gives 1M to group seeking to upend Seattle City Council in upcoming election

Amazon CEO: Relationship with Seattle City Council has become rougher but hope remains

FAQ: Everything you need to know about Seattles proposed Amazon tax

Top GeekWire stories of 2018: Amazon HQ2 Paul Allen Seattles boom equality financing and more

Will San Franciscos business tax for homeless relief succeed where Seattles failed This tech billionaire is fighting for it

Controversial Seattle head tax may head south: Silicon Valley cities weigh tax on tech giants

Emboldened by election day victory new Seattle City Council launches next challenge to Amazon

A punch in the gut: Fastgrowing Seattle startup eyes Bellevue after head tax vote

Is Amazon serious about slowing its Seattle growth Tech and community leaders weigh in

Redfin CEO challenges Seattle to avoid SFs pitfalls: If we think were smarter than everyone else we should figure it out

Seattles proposed Amazon tax would also hit Facebook Google and other outoftown tech titans

Seattle passes smaller head tax on big companies but will compromise appease Amazon

Week in Geek Podcast: Seattle is taxing big business and tech is pissed what happens now

Seattle head tax on top businesses fails narrowly but several lawmakers want to revive it next year

Petition to overturn Seattle head tax gets more than twice the signatures needed as city prepares to repeal polarizing law

FAQ: Everything you need to know about Seattles proposed Amazon tax before Mondays vote

Former Washington Gov Christine Gregoire says Seattle head tax undermines our international and national reputation

TLDR: Starbucks Amazon respond to Seattle tax vote Surface Hub 2 new Star Wars movie

Tacoma courts Seattle tech companies and other businesses with No Head Tax Here pitch

March on Amazon HQ: Seattle housing activists demand head tax on big business

TLDR: Seattle repeals Amazon Tax ATT and Time Warner deal approved the biggest games at E3